Sunday, 1 April 2012

Questions to ask specialists (a running revision of)

Christine Whybrew, Heritage Advisor Crown Land Disposal and Research, New Zealand Historic Places Trust

-CEISMIC Quake Studies consortium +
-redevelopment of a historic brewery complex  projects

-What layers of earth are underneath Canterbury?

-Is it unique in any way?

-how do you geo-locate information? where? what limitations?

-how would you like to see Maori culture/ history recognized? Different how?

-how do you then deal with representing information you discover? particular methods?

-how does this impact design?

Jenny May, Historic Places Trust

-What building, for you, was the biggest loss?

-how is losing a house different to losing a public building?

-What value do you see in restoring buildings?

-What building styles are in danger of being lost since the earthquakes?

-How would you design on these sites now?

-Do you have a vision for what it might be like to walk down a street in the city in the future?

-Do you think links to the lost buildings will be important to reorientate people to their city?

Ashley Hide, Athfield Architects

-As an architect, what is the difference between designing before the earthquakes and after?

-Do you see a shift in the way people use their streets?

-What kind of methods or devices do you think might be useful in re-orientating Christchurch residents to the streets they used to know? (memory-wise)

-Have you tried any of these devices in your designs?

-I've been investigating movement, materials and archetypal elements like doors, windows and chimneys as being able to reconnect people to site. Do you think they might be helpful?

-Do you think architecture has the potential to trigger memory? to what extent/limitations?

-Do you think the quality of housing will improve? Change in what way?

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